Questions & Answers

Wwise integration

+16 votes
asked Sep 28, 2018 in Look and Feel by saniashedevr1 (1,500 points)
Wwise is one of the top 5 audio engines for implementation audio into games. Recently I've been talking with audiokinetik and all we (presonus) need to give studio one users opportunities to work with the game sound design engine directly just add some plugin/code that they provide absolutely for free!!! Manager just ask to write to them and they will give it.
So why don't we vote for that simple but important step for us to be close to create music and sounds for game industry without 3rd DAW.

5 Answers

+6 votes
answered Oct 14, 2018 by anthonyphills (290 points)
I agree. I've recently started training on Wwise and it would be GREAT to have that kind of integration with Studio One 4
+6 votes
answered Apr 10, 2019 by antoinegrelet (11,770 points)
edited Nov 6, 2019 by antoinegrelet
Totally agree ! Wwise and Fmod are the most used in game industry. I really hope to see this feature in the future of Studio One.
+3 votes
answered Feb 21, 2021 by sergioquintero (240 points) 1 flag
Would love a Wwise and Fmod integration of SO
+3 votes
answered Jan 18, 2022 by mikezimean (340 points)
Please, guys, don't be lazy to log in. If you see this message, just log in and vote for this feature, I really need Studio One 5 to have Wwise integration and I don't really feel like buying an expensive Steinberg Nuendo license, which I'll have to do shortly.
0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2023 by mikestuart2 (180 points)

100% with this request!!

PLEASE guys. Studio One could be the kings of Game Audio if you did this, all we have just now are Nuendo and Reaper which are DAWs for people who hate themselves :D

I all seriousness though, it would be a very smart business move, I guaruntee it. S1 is a vastly more pleasurable workflow in general to either of the others mentioned. It would be a bit of an industry game changer. I beg you guys take this seriously for S1 7 pro angel
