Questions & Answers

Is the Komplete Kontrol MK 2 Integration solution for Studio One users in progress?

+35 votes
asked Feb 6, 2019 in Completed Feature Requests by planet0214 (310 points)

Hello! I am a Studio One 4 and a Komplete 12 user. I am currently planning to purchase komplete kontrol mk2, but I have heard that Studio One 4 does not support komplete kontrol mk2 integration. 

So I first contacted the Native Instruments, but I heard that the Native Instruments had already said, 'An SDK has been provided to Presonus for adding Host Integration Support to Studio One, so it is up Presonus to decide if and when they would like to implement this into Studio One' (

According to this fact, Native Instruments has already done the work and only has to decide when to do the Komplete Kontrol MK 2 Integration in Presonus
Is the Presonus in the process of doing this? If you are in progress, please let me know when the Komplete Kontrol MK 2 Integration in Studio One 4 is supported. Thank you.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Feb 24, 2019 by philheisenberg (2,350 points)
edited Sep 3, 2019 by philheisenberg
Don't hold your breath. Add your vote here:

You can breathe again.
+1 vote
answered Mar 19, 2021 by moondance2009 (1,170 points)
It integrates well enough with Studio one v 5.2 / could be better tho, I’m sure Presonus know Native Instruments are main contenders in their field with the largest sample libraries and one of the best controller keyboard ranges out there.