Questions & Answers

PC MOTU Drivers & Studio One

+2 votes
asked Dec 18, 2015 in Studio One 3 by artsd (210 points)
This is not a question - Rather a solution - I have just confirmed, something that I believed to be true for over 3 years.  

The MOTU drivers for the PC are not as good as the drivers for the Mac.  I have just recently purchased a Mac (like 5 days ago) and after setting it up, a problem that had existed for years on my PC-based system, instantly vanished.

The software/hardware environment:  Studio One 1 Artist, Studio One 2 Professional, Studio One 3 Professional, MOTU MIDI Express XT, StudioLive 16.4.2, Alesis QS8, EMU Proteus /1 Orchestral sound module.

The Problem: I was attempting to play an external sound module via my MIDI controller, through Studio One, running on a PC.  Intermittently, it would work (like 60% of the time).  I never found a duplicatable procedure to make it work.

The solution: I purchased a Mac, immediately downloaded Studio One 3 Professional, setup all my MIDI devices in AMS MIDI Studio, and then launch Studio One.  The problem was instantly gone.

Presumably the problem always has been the MOTU Drivers.  

PC Users beware.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 19, 2015 by Jon T (6,300 points)
Thanks for sharing this.  It might be something you'll want to let MOTU know about so they can try to fix it with their driver.
0 votes
answered Sep 29, 2016 by ericcampbell2 (180 points)
The best decision I ever made about computer music production was purchasing a Mac. They don't have all the drivers issues that PCs have because there aren't thousands of different configurations that drivers have to work with. I spent weeks with tech support trying to get something to work on PC. I said F-it I'm getting a Mac. With Mac you just plug things in and everything works perfectly.

The only thing with Macs is don't upgrade to the latest OS as soon as it comes out. I generally wait 6 months so any issues will have been fixed.