Questions & Answers

Pattern editor - Enable a "nudge" function, to adjust the timing of each lane (ahead /behind the beat)

+23 votes
asked Oct 15, 2018 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by ryanm1 (8,420 points)
For some style of music this is essential. Many other sequencers have this function, and of course this can be done in any piano roll (and with the 'delay' in the inspector).

This is the only thing keeping me in the piano roll.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 30, 2018 by toketronic (300 points)

Yeah, timing is everything in a sampler and to be able to adjust it fast

Please give us a millisecond slider going both positive and negative for each sound


+1 vote
answered Jun 25, 2019 by justinstewart3 (1,080 points)
Add another slot in the automation editor for push/pull timing. simple. Geist 2 has this and it works beautifully. Pencil/drag vertically to adjust timing of individual hits. Impact XT needs 2 things to be a native version of Geist and this is one of them. The other is direct to pad sampling.