Questions & Answers

NO SOUND from recorded midi or virtual instrument

0 votes
asked Nov 15, 2018 in Studio One 4 by louiedegel (120 points)
edited Nov 16, 2018 by louiedegel
I'm using my qwerty keyboard to play a virtual instrument. Works fine. Records fine.  I can play along with my song just fine. I can see the recorded data in the track just fine. After recording, nothing. No sound. Nothing. No sound on playback at all. Not even the first sound as some say. Does PreSonus offer any answers on this? Why do so many have this problem yet there's no answers. Spent a lot of money on this. Seems crappy they don't provide better support

Windows 10 , core I7 processor. I have NO issues with the hardware.  This is purely a studio one 4 problem

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Jun 3, 2019 by mikedetar (600 points)
Check and see if your audio device is set propporly. If not configured propporly, you won't hear sound.