Questions & Answers

Is there a better option than buying the plugin addon for studio one 3's artisit addtion?

0 votes
asked Nov 16, 2018 in Studio One 3 by nesswhitepine (160 points)
I just bought serum and went to install it on my DAW, but I noticed that you apparently need the 80$ addon for 3rd party plugins to be installed. I don't want to spend anymore money than I already have. Is there another way to fix this problem?

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Nov 19, 2018 by pascalnesle (480 points)

May be a good (cool) friend using forbidden (devil) solution...?

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2018 by nesswhitepine (160 points)
I want to know if it's a better idea to buy studio one 4 prof. upgrade instead of the plugin addon to access VST's