STUDIO ONE has become over the versions, a wonderful DAW, but....
I still mix on PRO TOOLS ! Why ?
On PRO TOOLS, the editing window's configuration gives me a total vision of my project. I never use the mixer window !
On each track, I can extend all my inserts, all my sends, I/O, comments... I have a complete view of all my tracks, busses, automations, pans, levels, timeline, markers, events... l just have scroll up and down to go from one track to another et VoilĂ ! What a big time saving, I mix relaxed !!!
On STUDIO ONE, I cannot do this. I have to switch from one window to another, rearrange my busses and FX as soon as I add a new track or a automation track, realign my sends permanently (
) scroll right to left, up and down, What a wasting time on big projects, I mix annoyed !!!
We know you can do it !
Thanks Presonus