iMac (Late 2013) | Quad-Core i5, 3.2 GHz | 24GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM | OSX 10.11.13 | nVidia GeForce GT 755M 1024 MB Graphics | MOTU 8M audio interface with latest firmware 1.2.4+1023
Greetings! Studio One Professional v3.2 was just freshly installed by this new, first-time S1 user, with a new MOTU 8M audio interface (set up as "Interface + Mixer") via Thunderbolt, to my iMac running El Capitan.
How frustrating an ordeal it has been, to discover that Studio One 3.2 introduces this new user to the seeming _impossibility_ of starting out my very first AUDIO SETUP attempt, with my MOTU interface's 48kHz Sampling Rate which I set it to...
For some stubborn reason, Studio One 3.2 keeps kicking my manually-set Audio Interface back down to the lowly 44.1kHz sample rate, against my wishes. This, in my humble opinion ought not be so: Instead, PreSonus should have a gadget in the Audio Setup panel of Studio One, that provides the user the glorious option of determining for himself/herself, what sample rate to operate Studio One at.
Any helpful ideas welcome: How in the world do I operate at the Sampling Rate [e.g.: 48kHz] that I want -- for any given project I start?
Thank you in advance, anyone! This is very disheartening.