Questions & Answers

fixed insert position

+10 votes
asked Nov 30, 2018 in Mixing by phoniq (1,480 points)
Is possible add insert to fixed position as in Pro Tools? It is best choise for saving template.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Dec 31, 2018 by mciv (1,090 points)
I would like to lock an effect to be always the last one (compressor), now each new dragndrop effect jumps in as the last one.
+1 vote
answered Jul 22, 2020 by oddie (820 points)
I would like fixed insert slots (similar to Cubase) so that you can choose where to put each new insert plugin and that the same plugin slot GUI would open up when I change channels.

I would use this especially to have a channel strip / console emulation plugin (bx_console N) in a fixed slot when mixing. The console emulation would be in, say; slot 3 to allow for pre-console inserts (eg guitar amp emulation and VST instruments) and post-console inserts (eg effects and further specialist eq etc). This would give the effect of a virtual mixing desk.