Questions & Answers

Faster Workflow with Zoom&Navigation when dragging events in the arrange view and zooming templates

+1 vote
asked Dec 9, 2018 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
I miss some functions when I drag events in the arrange view. I mentioned a lot ideas so far to solve it and this is a conclusion for all the problems. If I drag a event I cannot change the zoom level and cannot navigate through the song. I need to scroll with the event at the border where I want to scroll. In this case shortcuts for zooming and scrolling should be active, even if I drag a sample with "Alt". Furthermore zoom states are not saved, this is  inside the instrument editor with layered midi editing especially a problem because I need to zoom again veritcally and horizontally again the size it was before or I need after every closing of it. Furthermorer zooming templates which can be switched with buttons and/or shortcuts/macros. In these templates the vertical and horizontal zoom level is saved, also the velocity area size and the individual size of single tracks.