Questions & Answers

No Signal showing on track Studio One V.4 from Quantum which shows signal - Running new 2018 MacPro

+1 vote
asked Dec 10, 2018 in Studio One 4 by paulboccardi (180 points)
Running Studio One - 4 on new 2018 loaded MacBook Pro.  Quantum shows line-in signal but no signal showing on Enabled Track in Studio One 4.  Device recognized at launch of Software.  Very frustrating.  Please reply ASAP.  Thanks.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2018 by stantonallen (150 points)
I am having the exact same issue. Someone please help.
0 votes
answered Dec 11, 2018 by paulboccardi (180 points)

I opened a ticket with Presonus.  They replied this morning with a working solution.  FYI - I am running Studio One 4 through 2018 MacBook Pro 10.14 (Mojave). I am up and running.  Good luck.

Why am I not able to record in Studio One after upgrading to Mojave?

With the release of Mojave, Apple has now increased it's security to disable the use of the microphone unless expressed permission is given to an app.  You may receive an error message in Studio One stating that "Studio One" would like to access the microphone."  To resolve the issue, please go into your System Preferences>Security & Privacy>Privacy and add Studio One to the list of apps that are allowed to use the microphone.  Below is a screenshot of where this setting can be found.

