Questions & Answers

Can I connect 2 mixers to a stage box with AVB?

0 votes
asked Jan 24, 2020 in Networked Stage Box by soundteam3 (150 points)
We have a 24R we are using as a stage box linked to a StudioLive32, both in the main church. We have a hall that we sometimes have events in (sometimes at the same time as in the church) and we are looking at putting another 24R in there that can be used as a stand alone system. We have the radio mics connected to the 24R in the church, and they reach the hall. If we were to put in an AVB switch, are we able to run both the 24R in the hall and the StudioLive in the church as mixers, and have both of them access the devices on the 24R in the church with the radio mics on it (the radio mics reach into the hall)?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 25, 2020 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Feb 6, 2020 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
Yes, the SW5E AVB Switch would make this constellation possible. Any mixer in a "full" AVB network can use the stagebox modes (stagebox, monitor mixer, stand-alone) and all mixers share the same signals. But I would not recommend to buy another 24R, because it will limit the way you can use the 64x64 AVB matrix. A 32R is the better choice, because it has 8 more mic/line inputs and 4 more flex mix outputs.

The "StudioLive_Series_III_OwnersManual_V6_EN_10062019" has a list of "AVB Sends" in section 14.2.3, which will be helpful for you. The 32-channel mixers share AVB Sends 33 to 40, which means that Aux In 1, Aux In 2, Tape In and Main L/R are automatically available on all (!) mixers in the network. These inputs are shared, Talkback is also a network stream.

This might help you to plan your project better. Use the options an AVB network offers and do not think in mixers and stageboxes and cables in between...
