Questions & Answers

Notion 6 piano fingering

+1 vote
asked Jan 7, 2019 in Notion by andrewbailey2 (460 points)
Just wondering if piano fingering can be added any possible way.

I write piano scores and want to capture the correct fingering for both left hand and right hand (Bass & treble cleff)


2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2019 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)

Hi there,
yes you can add piano fingering - you can select the numbers from the palette and click over the note. Or you can use the Express Entry tool which is the ' key, followed by the number you need.

So '1  adds a 1

'2 adds a 2
'3 adds a 3 etc.


0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2019 by andrewbailey2 (460 points)
Thanks Chris

Sorry for the late response as I have been away on holiday

Thanks again