Questions & Answers

Faderport 8 - Logic X - can only adjust the first 2 sends on a channel. How do you access the other sends?

+1 vote
asked Dec 17, 2016 in FaderPort 8 by stephencumberland (670 points)
When you double tap the Sends button I can only adjust the sends for the first 2 busses on the Logic X channel strip.

Is there a way to access Sends 3 onwards?

I've tried using the Bank scroll and Channel scroll but can only access the first 2 Sends.

2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jan 8, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,470 points)
Best answer
Referring to the FP8 ManualL

Page 24 Section 4.6.3:


Like Edit Plug-ins, engaging Sends offers two different modes:

Mix View and Channel Focus.

To engage Mix View, press Sends once. In this mode, the Faders will control the first send for every channel and the Select button will control the first send Mute for every channel.

To engage Channel Focus, press Sends twice. In this mode, the following four parameters are available for Send Slots 1 and 2:

• Send Destination.

 Use the Fader to select the Bus. Press the Pan/Param encoder to commit the Bus selection. Fader 1 controls this parameter for Insert Slot 1. Fader 5 controls this parameter for Insert Slot 2.

• Send Level. Use the Fader to control the Send level. Fader 2 control Insert Slot 1’s send level. Fader 6 controls Insert Slot 2’s send level.

• Send Pre/Post selection. Use the Fader to switch between pre- and post-fader send positions. Fader 3 sets this position for Insert Slot 1. Fader 7 sets this position for Insert Slot 2.

 • Send Active/Mute. Use Faders 4 and 8 to enable / disable the send for Insert Slot 1 and 2 respectively.
0 votes
answered May 27, 2021 by kelsoncamp (210 points)
I'm also curious about this and this has not been answered below by ghasenbeck. You're obviously asking about send 3 amount and not the extra parameters that are rarely used by a control surface.