Questions & Answers

My touch sensitivity faders on faderport 16 doesn't work very well

+3 votes
asked Feb 22, 2023 in FaderPort 16 by edoardoberton (150 points)
Sometimes when I touch a fader on my FP16, doesn't make a good contact and the fader on the DAW (Studio One) doesn't work. I tried to change touch sensitivity settings on setup menu, but even if I put 7 of sensivity it doesn't work. What can I do?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 13, 2023 by brayanpicoyvalerio (200 points)
I have the same problem, did you manage to solve it?
0 votes
answered Apr 14 by martinherzog (770 points)
I found that the faders actually only work reliably if you put yout finger into the groove on top of the knob. Pushing the faders up and down from the sides is not always recognized.