Questions & Answers

Audiobox is connecting but is not available

+1 vote
asked Dec 26, 2015 in AudioBox USB by nikkimessmer (150 points)
How do i make it to where it says available on a windows 10 laptop

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Dec 26, 2015 by jerrykatchka (160 points)
I had the exact same problem. As there were no answers anywhere on the site (and two questions about the same issue) I just started experimenting. What worked for me was going back to "my presonus" page where I originally registered the AudioBox. I downloaded the installer for "Windows 7 and above" and also clicked to have the desktop icon installed. After it finished, I clicked on the desktop icon, installed the "upgrade" (free), then restarted my computer. It worked like a champ. Hope this helps.
commented Dec 30, 2015 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
The AudioBox is not a "plug and play" device. You must install the driver for the AudioBox to work on a Windows machine.

This is why, if you purchased the AudioBox as new, there would have been documentation included that explained to go to and register your product for driver downloads.

Please install the latest (v1.3 - PC) driver found here:

If you're having trouble using the AudioBox within Studio One (or other DAW) after installing the drivers please see the info here: