Questions & Answers

Cannot assign new inputs

+1 vote
asked Jan 21, 2019 in Studio One 4 by patrickbardet (130 points)
I used the previous answer to solve my problem with Studio One 4. I've checked my BitDefender suite to authorize some files to record correctly.
But one problem still remains. In the assignment table of the 8 tracks of the Zoom R16 and the Input L-R assigned to Inputs 1 and 2 and the Input L (2nd line) assigned to Input 1 and Input 3 (3rd line) assigned to Input 2, if I want to add a new Input (a new line) mono, automatically, it assigned the new Input 3 with the little square and when I want to save it, the squares disappear, so my adding is not taken into account.
It works only for Inputs 1 and 2.
So why can't I assign new Inputs for tracks beyond the 2nd ?



2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2020 by mitchweiner (140 points)

Hey Patrick, I am having the same problem. Have you found the answer ? I'm working wirh an XR 18. Everything was good until I tried adding a friend's MR 18 -which resulted in deactivgating dio one 2 artist - so I decided to install Studio one 4 prime.Ended up unisnstalling 2 & re installing studio one 4.  Now 3 days going in circles

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2021 by christopherbarker (180 points)
I am having this same problem on the Scarlett 18i20.  When I try to assign inputs anywhere but 1&2 the M is a grayed out dark blue instead of the lighter blue and when I hit save the changes go away.  Somebody please help!!