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Clip and sample launcher - similar to Ableton session view [Completed 7.0]

+115 votes
asked Jan 24, 2019 in Completed Feature Requests by joshuagrimm (680 points)
recategorized Oct 12 by Lukas Ruschitzka
I use Ableton to compose song structures and write generic midi parts.  I load midi patterns into the session view and use the "midi scale" or "midi pitch" effect to make sure everything's in key.  Then I randomly trigger clips and record the output in the arrangement view.  I bring these stems into studio one and recreate the entire project.  I try to keep the instrument and FX chains simple in Ableton and just compose the instrumental parts.  If I owned Cubase, I'd take those midi stems into Cubase and use the "chord suggestion" and "chord inversion" tools.  So my suggestion is to create a clip launcher (with a faster midi map button).  The "follow actions" in Ableton are ok, but they need a randomization feature that's adjustable.  This way you could set a midi clip to randomly launch within a specified time that you choose.  For example, if you're writing dubstep using dubstep samples, you could set each clip to randomly trigger the next one at a length between 1/4 beat and 1 bar, and if you're writing longer midi chord progressions you could trigger up to 2 bars or 4 bars, or much shorter or etc.  The most important feature is the "Launch-Legato" switch that allows new clips or samples to start playing from the same position as the last one instead of re-triggering and starting over.   I would also love to have a chord identifier like Cubase that tells you what chord you have selected in the midi editor, maybe you have that, but then have a way to invert the chord so that you could change octaves fast and choose inversions, and slash chords, etc.  I apologize if you have any of this, I've only been using Studio One 2 months.  I like it a lot!!  God bless!!  -Josh

15 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 12 by Lukas Ruschitzka (260,950 points)
Best answer
Completed in 7.0
+19 votes
answered Jun 6, 2019 by rickenplayer (510 points)
Let's stick to what your title says - Ableton style clip launcher.  Presonus can easily put Ableton in their place with a feature that everyone has been wanting.

- Make Clip View it's own view aside from session editor and mixer.

- Have the tracks/instruments go across the top of the window, and clips going down vertically.  No FX, groups, aux VST outputs would be visible, just tracks from the editor.

- Allow drag n drop between editor and clip launch view, allowing instrument/pattern/audio parts to go into the clip launcher while using the insert FX on the track.

- Apply same looping logic as Ableton, where the clips are "snapped" to the beat.  You don't want to launch clips off the beat unless you disable the snap.

- Of course, full ability to trigger any controller, MIDI or otherwise.  Hell, make a 64 pad Atom!

- We don't even need the ability to record from the clip view, just use the Arranger and whatever already exists in Studio One.  Record out to other audio tracks even.
+5 votes
answered Jul 14, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (260,950 points)

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+4 votes
answered Oct 11, 2020 by fabianvilette (340 points)
It would really be a great thing to have this feature integrated into Studio One.

This is what your daw really lacks, which becomes more and more essential with updates.

I sincerely hope that the next update will offer this option.

For my part and some that not the only one in this case, if there was this function, the transition to Studio One would be done without worries.

Again, it's really missing. Your daw would be a daw hybrid, the best of both worlds.
+4 votes
answered Nov 17, 2020 by fabianvilette (340 points)
This is really a feature that Studio One lacks. The best of both worlds. Linear sequencer and clip launcher. It would really be a plus if the clip launcher was developed in a future update.
+2 votes
answered Feb 1, 2021 by denispavlov1 (890 points)
Yes, absolutely. I was disappointed Presonus hasn't added such a feature in Studio One 5 despite its obvious (Hey, Logic has added it!). I hope that it will be added soon.
+3 votes
answered Feb 11, 2021 by grahammannerings (510 points)
Please Can we have a clip launcher in Studio One. Like, Please please please. I detest the workflow in ableton and just cant use it. The show page could be so much more.
+4 votes
answered Jul 8, 2021 by yassine (1,540 points)
Absolutely !

Many "Electro" / EDM / Hip Hop folks are using Ableton for its session view. Matrix clip launching is really really great for composing, trying new ideas on the fly. Mixing a new base variation with the other Drum sample or midi variation or any other variation from any track.

A Matrix/clip view will put the variation feature SO added in the latest version ....on steroids,. It's an accelerator for creativity and freedom... this is why so much people are using Ableton for years....

So Presonus, please ...please us and take my money !!!!!
+1 vote
answered Sep 1, 2021 by izpztddn (1,460 points)
Totally agree! Nowadays, not only Ableton alone has the feature of "ideas" view. Bitwig Studio of course has it (which is even better than in Ableton), Logic Pro has Live Loops feature, Cakewalk has Matrix view, FL Studio has Performance mode, Maschine certainly does have similar feature. Sometimes I play around in Ableton in order to find ideas, and then arrange them in Studio One. Having something similar in Studio One would be a game changer for a lot of users.  I think this would make Studio One a highly up-to-date modern workstation, having the best of two worlds.

In my opinion, the best decision for Studio One implementing this feature would be something similar in concept to Logic Pro's Live Loop mode, since Studio One and Logic Pro are much more similar to each other, than to Ableton Live.
+2 votes
answered Oct 29, 2021 by nikhoverland (1,810 points)
edited Oct 29, 2021 by nikhoverland
The lack of something like Ableton's "Session View", or Bitwig's "Clip Launcher" is the only thing that prevents me from switching completely to Studio One. This way is much - much easier for musical experimentation or formation the general idea of a track. Adding another window similar to Scratch Pad but only with Clip Launcher would be great.
0 votes
answered May 5, 2023 by mesperance (1,190 points)
This is literally the one thing holding my creativity back in S1. I have so many clip/midi ideas that we need a way to quick text out different ideas.

We need a clip/sample launcher. Please, S1 Team. PLEASE!!!!!
0 votes
answered May 16, 2023 by klishinigor (150 points)
Up to this topic.
Bitwig Studio brought a nice solution whereas the clip launcher is integrated with the arrangement view which is handy.
0 votes
answered Mar 26 by nelsonleeroy (1,400 points)

I'm currently experimenting with Bitwig, and it's reminiscent of the switch I made from ProTools to Studio One a decade ago. 

My goal now is to move away from "Tetris music." I aim to create a robust template with eight tracks and various foundational clips like kicks, hi-hats, and top loops. These would be linked to a controller through macros to facilitate automation during composition, allowing me to record the arrangement live. Studio One has everything except the clip launcher but a show page not so usefull for that purpose...
I want to achieve with Studio One what the individuals in this video accomplish, making the DAW respond more like an instrument.
Bitwig Secrets: Crafting Club Ready Tracks in Just 60 Minutes (

I'm aware that Bitwig sessions can be opened directly in Studio One, so I'm considering using Bitwig for the live production and composition of arrangements, then transitioning to Studio One for the mixing and mastering process.

what you think guys ?

0 votes
answered Jul 31 by mesperance (1,190 points)
Yea, this is why I just left S1 and went to Ableton. Bitwig even has it now too, the clip launch and arrangement view side by side.

Studio One has fallen behind and I will not upgrade unless this is implemented. I been a loyal user for over a decade, but no more.
0 votes
answered Jul 31 by bennyr1 (2,750 points)
mulab and tracktion waveform 13 have this feature too. so it is time to add this in S1. this is a reason to update to 6 for me. currently 6 have no usefull feature for me to update, so i am on 5