Questions & Answers

Are your iOS applications compatible with iOS 8?

+1 vote
asked Apr 27, 2015 in Computer Based Recording & Production by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
recategorized Jun 1, 2015 by AlexTinsley
Are your iOS applications compatible with iOS 8?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
Note Added October 23, 2014


iOS 8.1 fixes the all scrolling issues experienced with PreSonus Apps. Anyone experiencing scrolling issues in iOS 8 should update to iOS 8.1.

One minor issue with the current release of QMix AI on iOS 8 still remains however, in which off-screen dragging from left to right across the iPhone/iPod Touch screen will cause QMix AI to return to the Start Page. We have submitted a fix for this to Apple and expect the updated App with this fix will be available shortly on the App Store.


As of iOS 8.02 our iOS applications these iOS applications did not present any new issues that we were not already aware of.

iOS 8 is approved for use with:

* SL Remote Ai

* Room Control

* Q-Mix AI

* Capture Duo

* Capture


iOS 8 is approved for use with  the following iOS applications with some exceptions.

* SL Remote

* Q-Mix

* AudioBox 1818VSL Remote

Note Added October 6, 2014

We have been notified by the forum moderators and some customers that iOS 8 isn't working for everyone running SL Remote, Q-Mix or 1818VSL Remote.

We have logged an issue internally and have requested engineering to investigate and work on improving the scrolling for iOS 8.

We will post an update here and in our forums as soon as it becomes available.


Notion Testing shows that updates are needed for the following applications:

* Progression for iPad is compatible with iOS8 as of version 1.2.90 (should go to App store for most recent update available today 9/17/2014)

* Notion for iPad is compatible with iOS8 as of version 1.2.88 (should go to App store for most recent update available today 9/17/2014)