Questions & Answers

Is there a single SL Remote and QMix Troubleshooting Guide?

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asked May 11, 2015 in UC Surface / Qmix by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Is there a single SL Remote and QMix Troubleshooting Guide?

1 Answer

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answered May 11, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer

Video: How to set up an iPad to control the PreSonus StudioLive

If you are using a StudioLive Ai mixer, make sure you have gone
Through the specific instructions here.

These instructions will help you connect your iOS device with SL Remote or QMix to control your mixer.  Make sure to read/watch the additional documentation and content to further familiarize yourself with these products.

Step 1:   Being up to date with the latest version of Universal Control
Note: For AudioBox 1818VSL users, you simply need the latest driver, available here.

Make sure that you are using the latest version of Universal Control from our website.  Not sure if you are using the latest Universal Control?  Click here to find out.

To learn how to properly update your mixer's firmware , click the link here:

Updating StudioLive Firmware

Download Universal Control here:

Universal Control Downloads

Step 2:  Set up your Router:
When it comes to connecting with SL Remote® and QMix® with your iPad or iPhone/iPod, you want to try and keep the connection simple.  If you can dedicate a router for use with SL Remote, and connect it directly to your computer, this would be the most ideal situation. Presonus has not qualified and does not recommend any specfic routers, but there are no special requirements or configuration for SL Remote, so most any router should work.

Generally a mid-range priced router from any major manufacturer should be sufficient . Some of the very inexpensive low-end routers can lack certain capabilities, and sometimes the more expensive higher-end routers have certain extra or advanced features enabled by default than can cause problems. One good feature to look for though is a Dual Band capable router that can operate at both 2.4Ghz or 5Ghz.

You can read more about Dual Band wireless here:

NOTE: Some router models appear to have a feature that tells connected devices when no internet connection is preset upon connection. iOS usually sees these wifi networks as subscription wi-fi networks, and it has an Auto-Login feature for networks that offer this capability (i.e. similar to a hotel or airport wifi login, etc.). The default iOS network setting for a wi-fi network with no internet connection is to try and Auto-Login, and it will give you a prompt to do so when you connect. If you don't want the login nag screen, or to have to choose "connect without an internet connection" every time, then you have to turn off Auto-Login on your iOS device. See here for an example:

Things to do with your router and computer before attempting to connect your iOS devices:
Make sure to read all documentation with the router you have purchased.  Since you are connecting your iOS device wirelessly, the main (and perhaps only) configuration of the router that you'll need to do is to create and configure a wireless network. Your router's documentation should have all the information you need in order to do so.
Range in the venue you are mixing in is important.  Different routers with different antennae designs, operating at different frequency bands and wireless channels, will all vary in their wireless coverage range. The building or location you're in also plays a part, both in terms of structural interference (concrete walls, steel construction walls, etc.) and wireless interference (other networks, RF noise from other electrical equipment, etc.). The 2.4Ghz band tends to be more susceptible to this RF interference, whereas the higher 5Ghz band is less susceptible to interference from other devices and networks, with a slight tradeoff in coverage range and signal penetration.  If your iOS device supports 5Ghz wireless though, it may provide the most stable connection.
If you're connecting the computer to the router wirelessly, make sure the router doesn't isolate wireless clients from each other. Along the same lines, make sure if you've got a dual band router that it's not creating two separate and isolated wireless networks for each band.
If you have the computer plugged in with an ethernet cable, make sure you're not plugged into the "Internet" port on the router (this is for a cable/DSL modem, maybe colored yellow), but instead into one of the standard "network switch" ports (usually 4 or 5 of them in a group).
Make sure your Subnet and Router IP Address both show up on the Network Configuration page on both the Computer side and the iOS device side, and that both the computer and iOS device have an IP address within the same range (i.e. 192.168.0.xx and 192.168.0.yy are in the same range, 192.168.0.xx and 192.168.1.yy are not) .  That will make sure that they're on the same network and the proper network connection can be made.
Make sure the router is not somehow blocking the following ports:

Classic SL Remote and Qmix Ports:
 TCP 6969
 UDP 6970 & 6971
SL Remote-AI and Qmix-AI:
Dedicated Port (direct link)
UDP 47809
TCP 47809
For AudioBox 1818VSL Remote:
 TCP 7069
 UDP 7070 & 7071
Step 3:  Download and Install the QMix and/or SL Remote app(s) on your iOS device

Please note the specs of the network connections for your iOS device by going to the apple websites below for their tech specs:

- Make sure your iOS device is up to date with the latest release of iOS from Apple.  Go to "Settings > General > Software Update" on your iOS device to verify this.

Supported devices list and Spec Sheets:

The following iOS devices are compatible with SL Remote (running iOS 6.0 or later):

• iPad 2 ® -
• New iPad ® -
• iPad Mini ® -
• iPad Air ® -

The following iOS devices are compatible with QMix (running iOS 6.0 or later):

iPhone 4 ® -
iPhone 4S ® -
iPod Touch 4G ® -
iPhone 5® -
iPhone 5s® -
iPhone 6 & Plus -

Apple support document on iOS WiFi connection troubleshooting:
Step 4:  Connecting the Device to your computer.
Connect your StudioLive Mixer to your computer via Firewire, power on mixer then the computer, and launch Universal Control.  Setup permissions for your iOS devices. Refer to page 39 of the StudioLive Software Library reference manual:

For AudioBox 1818VSL users, once you've installed the VSL software and driver, the device simply needs to be connected to the computer via USB.

Note: If you have any connection difficulties via wireless networking, follow the troubleshooting instructions below:
Troubleshooting your SL Remote/QMix® application:

Having more than one active network connection can cause problems with SL Remote and VSL communication. If you're connecting your computer to the router with a cable, try disabling your wireless adapter, or if you are connecting the computer wirelessly to the router, try unplugging your network cable from the computer or disable the Ethernet connection. If you have Virtual Machine software on your computer, it often creates a virtual network adapter for the VM to use. Even these virtual network adapters can cause connection issues with SL Remote, so it is advised to disable them in the Network Settings or Network Configuration of your computer.

NOTE: This also applies if your iPad has WWAN cellular data capability. If you have cell data turned on while also being connected to your router with WiFi, you have two active network connections and it will cause problems with SL Remote being able to connect.

Try turning off wireless security first until you can make sure you get a successful connection. If you need to enable wireless security you can come back and enable it later. If you have a firewall enabled, turn it off and try connecting SL Remote/Qmix again.

Try removing the SL Remote/QMix application from your device's open applications. This can be done by double tapping your "Home" button on your iPad. Your open Apps will be listed. If you touch and hold the SLRemote, there will be a small, red, delete button. Click on this, and then relaunch the SLRemote App.

Reset the Network Settings in your iPad. Go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

Try setting up an Ad-hoc wireless network on your computer (instead of using a router) and connect your iOS device to that wireless network. *NOTE: See here for OSX 10.9 Mavericks and Ad-hoc networking -

(Mac Only) Make sure you have installed any and all system updates, especially anything related to Airport if you are connecting your computer wirelessly to the router or through an ad-hoc connection to the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch

(Mac Only) Change the service order of your devices. Service order is the priority system of what devices show up first once the device is able to connect. Open System Preferences > Network, click on the gear symbol underneath the list of devices > click “Set Service Order” > drag to change the service order so the connection you are using is at the top of the list.

(Mac Only) Try and Resetting Network settings on your Mac computer.  Move the "Caches" folder in "Library" to the Trash, empty the trash, and then restart the computer.

(Mac 10.9 Mavericks only) Make sure App Nap is disabled for Universal Control. See here:

(Mac 10.9 Mavericks only) Ad-hoc is no longer functioning on Mavericks for SL Remote and Qmix. See here:

Try uninstalling and re-installing the driver on your computer.  See the instructions below to do a manual Uninstall and Reinstall of the Universal Control Driver and check the connectivity again:

