Questions & Answers

Audio Effect Rack inside a FX Chain

+38 votes
asked Feb 5, 2019 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by maximethizeau2 (260 points)

Hi ! 

There is one thing I miss from Ableton and this is what they call "Audio Effect Rack"

In studio one can do one effect rack (called "FX Chain" in Studio One) but if we load 2 FX chains in one track, all macros are mixed and we will have A LOT of plugins inside one rack. 

In Ableton, you can regroup few plugins in a Audio Rack and have few Audio Effect Rack inside your FX Chain. It is very useful, and it is a lot better for workflow in my opinion. I would love to have this in Studio One !

I tried to schematize what I'd like with a picture 

5 Answers

+8 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by benmccluskey1 (1,320 points)
Yes, Studio One needs this.

It's funny because I have been thinking exactly the same as this over the past few weeks!

Multiple plugins can be contained together using just one effect slot in the mixer (similar to Abletons Audio Effect Rack). They will have their own dedicated Effects Rack macro controls. Plugins inside Effect Racks are set up just like you do in the channel editor so you can do parallel processing and frequency splits etc...

Each channel in the mixer still has its own main macro controls just like the way it is now so users can assign macros from effects racks and other channel plugins.

They could make the Effects Racks in the mixer have a different border colour so it looks like a container and is easily identifiable from normal single plugins.
+2 votes
answered Jul 5, 2019 by michaelpardus1 (2,720 points)

That is a MAJOR thing I am missing form Ableton and Bitwig. Horizontal FX chain view and arrangement. This is one serious thing SO4.5 needs!

+2 votes
answered Jul 7, 2019 by bradleyszyperski (1,140 points)
edited Jul 7, 2019 by bradleyszyperski

I actually for a second thought we already had this feature.
But this should be no issue for Presonus to put into effect. 
We already have the base of it used strictly for instruments.
Allow effects to be thrown in there and.. whooooooa.
Be epic.

On the other hand.
With how many of the plug companies now putting together their own effects rack. Sound toys, slate, kilo etc. Im not sure Presonus will. They absolutely should though! Would add amazing versatility to everything. 
Imagine saved Pre sets for Impact with FX Chains.. brah.

+2 votes
answered Jan 6, 2021 by federicosilva (4,610 points)
Yes, this would be great.
+1 vote
answered Aug 19, 2023 by indigobeatz83 (180 points)
Second this !!! Would be so allot faster to have such effect Racks