Questions & Answers

Clarification on FaderPort 16 MIDI Mode functionality

+2 votes
asked Feb 7, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by pauldecesare (5,720 points)
reopened Feb 26, 2020 by AlexTinsley

In response to the reply in this thread:

Answer from preSonus rep was "This feature request needs some clarification." Simple, we want to use the 100mm faders in FaderPort 8 while recording in MIDI parts (orchestral and otherwise) to control volume and expression (CC1 and CC11) and a host of other CC commands just like the JL Cooper FaderMaster, The FaderPort 8 has gorgeous 100mm faders, it's perfect for that. The unit has a MIDI function in it but there's no apparent way to set this up.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Feb 26, 2020 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

[UPDATE 2/25/20]

We have released a new update that implements the ability to toggle in realtime between Native, MCU or HUI mode into a MIDI Control Mode without the need for a reboot. 

This was introduced with 3.42 firmware in Universal Control released on Feb 25, 2020. 

To enter MIDI operation mode in the FaderPort 8 or 16: 

  1. While in any Standard Operation mode (Logic, Studio One, etc.), press both Shift buttons simultaneously 
  2. The screens will display "MIDI Mode" 
  3. The previous standard operation mode (Logic, Studio One, etc.) ceases and the unit will only send out the defined MIDI values below 

To exit MIDI operation mode in the FaderPort 8 or 16: 

  1. Press both Shift buttons simultaneously.
  2. The unit will return to the last used standard operation mode 
  3. The unit shall update to it’s last state before “MIDI Mode
asked Jun 8, 2021 in FaderPort 16 by peterdebeer (140 points) Midi mode functionality
+1 vote
answered Feb 27, 2020 by pauldecesare (5,720 points)
Wow Alex, this is so amazing that you guys have taken the time to program this into the unit FOR FREE. Thank you! And now with the switch on-the-fly feature released this week, this is a MUST HAVE unit for any MIDI composer! I posted all this info on the forums and several people have responded that they are now looking into buying one. For orchestration and film-scoring, I don't believe there is anything else on the market that does both 100mm faders for CC control AND mixer/transport functions in one unit! Y'all should be trumpeting this via marketing wherever you can.