Questions & Answers

closed Any word from Presonus on being able to bank faders when in "Edit Plugins" mode just like we do with tracks?

+13 votes
asked Feb 9, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by michaelhouse2 (450 points)
closed Dec 6, 2019 by DominicB
I just realized I can't bank my faders when in "Edit Plugins" mode. That was one of the main reasons I bought the Faderport control my plugins and automation. I can bank my audio tracks, busses etc. but not my plugins. Makes no sense to me really. After researching this online I can see it is one of the most requested features for the Faderport 8 and 16. However, I can't seem to find any responses from Presonus about this. Any word on when this feature might be included in an update or should people who really want to control their plugins look elsewhere? I love the Faderport outside of that but being able to control my plugins is a must. I hope we hear something on this soon..............would be awesome!
closed with the note: Feature request Fulfilled.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 6, 2019 by DominicB (17,160 points)
Best answer

As of Studio One version 4.5.5, banking of plugin parameters is possible with the FaderPort 8 and FaderPort 16.

Please update your version of Studio One to version 4.5.5 or later to take advantage of the new features. Features are listed in the release notes for 4.5.5.

+2 votes
answered Feb 17, 2019 by Daw Stew (12,600 points)
agree with you. Im finding with some plugins they have more than 16 controls and im having to compromise how i map parameters to the buttons and faders
+3 votes
answered Feb 20, 2019 by gavinoneill (290 points)
Yeah just bought FP16 and that’s the biggest thing missing for me. Would make it an even more amazing kit!
+2 votes
answered Feb 25, 2019 by georgegalanos1 (3,120 points)
People are screaming for ages about this amazingly huge disaster, but.. I am afraid no one is listening...Well, at least I am not alone..