Questions & Answers

Ubuntu Studio Commitment for Quantum and Studio One

+2 votes
asked Feb 22, 2019 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by jeffbader2 (280 points)
Will PreSonus commit to making their audio interfaces like Quantum class compliant with ubuntu studio via USB as well as making a version of StudioOne compatible with ubuntu studio? It seems there is ample market for a linux commitment on a distribution tweaked for audio. It would be perfectly acceptable for PreSonus to also publish hardware specific requirements for both their interfaces and software. I understand tgat Thunderboldt may be a bridge too far at the moment hence the specific ask commitment for usb compliance on ubuntu studio.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 27, 2019 by philangus (10,160 points)
I doubt if there is anywhere near enough demand for this that would warrant the extremely high development work required to make this happen. You only have to think back to the day when Logic Audio was discontinued for the PC and continued exclusively for the Mac market. Work that one out!
0 votes
answered Nov 30, 2019 by travisfunk (920 points)
Thunderbolt just doesn’t work that way. Somehow connecting a thunderbolt device to a USB port is not going to get you anywhere.

If you want USB compliance, buy a USB interface (Studio 192).

The better ask is: Presonus will you commit to making Linux versions of your Universal Control driver software?

Class compliance cannot work for Quantum because as Presonus states: proprietary driver for the lowest possible latency.