Questions & Answers

Unable to get any sound from Notion 6 in ubuntu

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asked May 28, 2021 in Notion by manelalsina (170 points)
Hi, I'm trying to get Notion 6 working on a ubuntu 21.04 OS and there's no way to get it working. Notion opens, I've put my serial (in case the fail was the demo mode) but it still get silent.

I've installed sounds, they are on the proper folder ( I've done it several times)

If I start Notion from console (wine Notion6.exe) there are two errors:

002b:err:winsock:interface_bind_check No cache entry for ifindex 0.
0033:err:winediag:MIDIMAP_drvOpen No software synthesizer midi port found, Midi sound output probably won't work.

If I start fluidsynth or qsynth before Notion, the second error (033) vanishes but anyway I get no sound. When I click on play button, just nothing happens.

Is there any of you that have Notion working on ubuntu, I'll apreciate so much your help, I'm really lost.

I just assumed that Notion has its own player (at least for the london symphony sounds), but maybe it needs something that fluidsynth or qsynth can't do, I really don't know.

Thanks in advance!
