I'm shocked and surprised that this hasn't been reported.
For me this is a major workflow killer of the FP8 and 16
This problem occurs in Studio One so i'm not sure its the same in other DAWs
Add a Vst2 instance of a third party plugin, hit Edit Plugins and map the faders and buttons to the Faderport, now if you have the VST3 version of the same third party plugin add it. What i would expect to see happen is that the mapping would automatically be mapped to the VST3 version of the plugin.
Its not, and here is the major workflow killer, you have to remap the faders and sends to the VST3 version.
This is duplicating work and is a time waster.
Can Presonus look to implement a mapping system that maps the faders and buttons to both formats of third party plugins when its the same plugin.
As a test i tried it the other way round. I started with a third party VST3 plug, mapped it, then pulled in teh VST2 version. Same problem, both had to be mapped individually.