Questions & Answers

Studio 1810 both Headphone outputs mono (sometimes) and output 2 only sometimes works

+1 vote
asked Mar 3, 2019 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by noahdavis4 (130 points)
Hey so like the description said my headphone outputs are all mono for some reason, yet my main mix (to my monitors) are stereo. I'm assuming this is an issue with my understanding of the Universal Control software because as i was playing around with it trying to figure out what is going on i at one point or another got my headphones to output stereo and got the second headphone out to work, but honestly i have no idea what i did and now its not working again... Does anyone know how i can get both of my headphone outs to be working simultaneously and to be stereo? I also have no idea what the A/B button is supposed to do and the user manual isnt very helpful on the matter.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by edramsey (2,190 points)

Sorry I didn't see this earlier. I have a Studio 1810 also. My guess is that if you click "reset" it might return the channels to stereo.  Good luck.  -Ed
+1 vote
answered Sep 30, 2021 by paultillery (160 points)
I have had this same problem and can confirm that resetting through the universal control sometimes works.
0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2024 by gtibbs211 (140 points)
Try tightening/loosing the 1/4" adapter you're using for your headphone. That worked for me. If not, replace it. Somehow, it isn't making proper contact with the male connector coming directly from the headphone.