Questions & Answers

recording effects (e.g. reverb or delay) to track in studio one

+1 vote
asked Mar 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by thomaskihr (170 points)

After searching the net and the forum here, I didn't really find an answer or "how to" to my question/problem.

Using StudioLive 16 iii, on channel 1 my mic, levels, gain, etc. everything fine and I added a bit of reverb. Reverb = internal reverb of the studiolive iii mixer, in this case the 335 digital reverb. Now I want to record/print my voice with the StudioLive III reverb to a track in my daw-> StudioOne 4.

Whatever I do, I only get the dry track, but never I get the track with the added effect. I did set to "POST" - but doesn't help. is there a way to do this, am I only to stupid (would be possible too :) ? Any help would be really appreciated!

Best regards


2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 7, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

Please ensure that your mixer is running firmware v1.10

Load in a Zero Out board scene to ensure the following steps work

Please ensure that you have your Tape Input setup correctly


Connect a analog input to Ch1, for best results this can be a phone playing music.

Set the gain correctly to hit around -24 on the meters.

Press FX A and send increase the main fader to unity

Then increase Ch1’s send to that FX to the desired levels

You need to ensure you are listening to the main fader mix to hear the FX

Once completed you should now have FX being heard on the Main left and right for Ch1

Launch Studio One

Create a new song using the template for your mixer.

StudioLive 32 Series III = StudioLive 32 Session

StudioLive 24 Series III = StudioLive 24 Session

StudioLive 16 Series III = StudioLive 16 Session

The reason for using these templates is that all inputs/outputs are mapped and it makes this process easier.

Once open you should see metering on Ch1 in Studio One, this is the dry signal from the mixer. If you wish to have the Fat Channel settings on this you will need to change the Digital Send Option for Ch1 to Post.

Select Ch1, press the “Cog” Icon and make the change on the screen. Please see Section 5.2.1 and point 7 for details on this. Link:

You will note that each channel’s output is set to return back to the Mix, if you wish to send Ch1’s recorded audio you will need to change output to “2 Track L/R” and this will then send the audio out into the Tape Input on the mixer as per the article linked above.

On the mixer press Mix15

Then set the main fader to unity

On this channel you are just going to higher up the fader called FX RET A which is the return for FX A

Then note that on Mix 15 you have metering, this is just the FX (wet signal) of the FX and not the dry signal

Now we need to do some digital patching.

On the mixer go to Home > Audio Routing > Digital Patching > USB Sends > Then set USB 2 output to be Mix 15

On Studio One you will now see a signal on Ch2 which is USB 2 which in turn is Mix 15’s audio signal which contains the FX A sound and not the dry sound. You can now record the on board FX.

The above is just a example of how to set this up. You can setup and Mix you wish, link two mixes for stereo and use and channel in Studio One for the best work flow that works for you.

0 votes
answered Mar 7, 2019 by danielsievert (11,890 points)
edited Mar 7, 2019 by danielsievert
Hi Thomas,
I'd suggest the most flexible way of doing this is to assign the digital sends of your FX channels to a pair or two pairs of USB channels that you then record into Studio One parallel to your vocal track.  That will mean that in the mix in Studio One you'll have control over how 'wet' the FX are.

Alternatively, it you want to print the FX into your vocal during the recording you could assign the digital send of an AUX mix to USB channels that you then record from in Studio One. All you need to do then is get perfect mix of vocals and FX through that AUX channel (I'd recommend linking two AUX mixes so your FX stay stereo) and just record the AUX mix instead of your vocal input channel.