Questions & Answers

Workflow - Project Page - Digital Release

0 votes
asked Mar 11, 2019 in Studio One 3 by scottolson4 (190 points)
edited Mar 12, 2019 by scottolson4
Previous Sonar user here, in which I used to export a mix as a 24 bit stereo wave file and then import that into a new session in Sonar.  In that new session I would trim or remove extra bars and adjust the start and stop points and 'master' the wave file.  Then I'd export the song as a cd ready wave or an mp3.

In Studio One what I'm doing is exporting the Song as a 24 bit Mixdown.  Then I open a new Song and import the Mixdown.  I remove extra bars etc., as I used to do in Sonar, and then I open that Song in a Project Page for mastering and exporting as a 16 bit cd ready wave or mp3.

Is anyone else doing something similar?

In Studio One 3, there's no way to export an mp3 except in the Project Page, right?