Questions & Answers

closed MPE or am I going elsewhere? [Completed 5.0]

+25 votes
asked Mar 13, 2019 in Completed Feature Requests by christopherkidd1 (360 points)
closed Jan 7, 2021 by arndkaiser
So where is MPE support? Can we get an answer yet, or was my Studio One purchase a waist of money? 2nd S1 pro I've owned, but if there is no MPE support by the next update I will be changing all my reviews of S1 and changing my DAW for something more rellevent.
closed with the note: Completed in 5.0

2 Answers

+5 votes
answered Mar 17, 2019 by carel1 (370 points)
I have the same issue. Some of the new DAW's like Bitwig are already MPE ready.  It is cumbersome to link my Roli to Studio one 4 .  MPE is the future of sou
nd quality and I suggest you consider the issue to stay ahead  of the curve.
+1 vote
answered Jun 21, 2020 by odinquab (160 points)
Good question. Studio One has innovated in a number of ways, but MPE support is increasingly in the category of essential DAW functions and it's not there. My Roli Seaboard is a powerful musical tool, and MPE is the obvious, already available immediate future for more complex touch response in digital music making. In Studio One, right now, its functionality is extremely limited. There are possible workarounds, but the simplest one, I'm afraid, is to just use a different DAW for a lot of projects. That is a pity. Studio One will inevitably need to add MPE functionality, and sooner would be better than later, yes?  My two cents, hoping that a few more pokes will provoke a response in the form of an update. Thanks...
