Questions & Answers

Save all option?

+1 vote
asked Mar 18, 2019 in Recording by garrylindon (290 points)
How do you save everything to one file so I can keep all the wav and samples together. I assumed there would be an option for this but I can't find it. I'm new to S1 so maybe its my mistake

I recently did a project using some files a friend sent to me in drop box. When I opened the song later all the samples had gone. I had to go and relocate them all.



2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Mar 18, 2019 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
Best answer

Go to options/preferences from the Studio One menu option and go to the tab shown below and ensure the box highlighted is checked. This will cause a dialog box to open anytime you bring in external files into a session to ask you if you wish to copy them. ALWAYS choose YES, when you are asked. 

0 votes
answered Mar 18, 2019 by garrylindon (290 points)
Thanks a lot mate.