Questions & Answers

How to get a nice guitar sound?

0 votes
asked Mar 21, 2019 in Studio One 4 by andresgomez8 (210 points)

Hi people

So I have studio one 4 I use Ampire for my guitars but the sound is too awful impossible to play a solo cause it sounds too loud and the bass is impossible to get it right the sound is not bright and clean, I have 3 pedals Flahback4 Ibanez TS9tube screamer and TC electronics Fangs metal , the last one impossible to use in the DAW.the sound gets fuzzy and dry 

My question is any way to play a solo getting a bright sound not too dark or low distortion? 

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 21, 2019 by everipper (1,150 points)
What is your audio interface? Did you set levels correct? Have you ever recorded live guitar before? Guitar mixing and recording is a big theme. You should look for videos on youtube about recording guitars. It's not hard and can be done with Ampire.