Questions & Answers

Studio One 4 & Akai MPKmini: Won't Recognize Knobs

+3 votes
asked Mar 23, 2019 in Studio One 4 by j0hnbane (160 points)
I've connected my AKAI Pro MPKmini as directed by the tutorial by AKAI. The keys and pads are recognized no problem. The knobs however are not. When I bring up the External Devices and Edit, I see the K1-K8 knobs. But, they do not respond. Also with any plugins, Kontakt or Arcade, they do not respond. I ran both Kontakt and Arcade outside of SO and they recognize the knobs no problem. I've searched for answers online and haven't seen anything specific to this.


4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 8, 2020 by twdoles12 (390 points)
Were you ever able to figure this out??? Ive been trying to get it to work for months and nothing works. Im also trying to map the knobs in Arcade, and its super annoying that it never works. Is it just MPK stuff? Maybe I should break this MF in half and get a different brand?

Let me know...


0 votes
0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2021 by danielikpeama (230 points)
So, I tried using this article and I still can't get the knobs to work... I've used both the default MPK mini 2 presets and my own custom ones and just can't seem to get this working on Studio One 5 Artist. I even tried manually adding the keyboard without the default MPK mini profile in S1 and that turned out even worse. Did you do anything special to get it working?
0 votes
answered Dec 26, 2021 by danielikpeama (230 points)
Well, what do you know, I figured it out. I hadn't realized that the filter boxes needed to be unchecked for everything to work properly Hopefully no one else has to run into this issue now.