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Studio One won't recognize USB input from controller keyboard

+2 votes
asked Apr 3, 2020 in Studio One 4 by jerryconnolly (1,230 points)

I have an M-Audio KeyRig49 midi keyboard controller connected to my iMac running OS 10.15.2.  I added it to the list of external devices but Studio One 4 tells me that the keyboard is not connected. It is connected and works fine with other audio applications such as Sibelius or Garageband. I have uplugged and plugged in the keyboard several times with no change.   Setup:  2019 iMac, Agogee Element 88 and Studio One v. 4.6 with PreSonus Faderport 8 control surface.

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Apr 22, 2021 by mosspa (270 points)
The problem is that, for whatever reason, Studio One does not look past MIDI devices mapped after MIDI #9 (i.e., it only looks at the first 10 MIDI devices).  I have two DAW computers, both Windows 10, and neither of them sees most of my MIDI controllers or input devices.  I have contacted PreSonus about this and they refuse to acknowledge that the problem exists.  I know that it is a problem isolated to Studio One, because on both of the Windows computers, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Mixcraft 9, Ableton Live 11, Reaper 6, all of the Arturia standalones, all of the Korg standalones, Iris II stand lone, etc., see the inputs.  I had chosen Studio One Pro as my DAW of choice, but because it is unusable for me, I am now again evaluating other DAW solutions because PreSonus continues to ignore the issue that Studio One has with MIDI.  PreSonus, if you are reading this, please contact me for yet more information on this problem.