Questions & Answers

I want to do a fade out of my song inside of the session at the end of the song. What is the best way to do this?

0 votes
asked Mar 24, 2019 in Studio One 4 by michaelmarchbanks (190 points)
I need help learning how to do do a fade out inside the session!

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 25, 2019 by matthewcoombs (2,570 points)
selected Mar 25, 2019 by michaelmarchbanks
Best answer
Assuming your song has multiple tracks the easiest way is to add volume automation on the master fader track. A Youtube search will show you how to do this quicker than I can explain it!
0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2019 by michaelmarchbanks (190 points)
Do you have a YouTube URL for reference? I looked before coming here and was unsuccessful. Thank you.
0 votes
answered Mar 25, 2019 by matthewcoombs (2,570 points)
This gives a pretty good overview of volume automation -

Hope this helps.