Questions & Answers

Why is the volume of my first track lower in the mastering section in S1 Pro. (Clearly a bug or setting.)

0 votes
asked Apr 5, 2019 in Studio One 2 by [email protected] (120 points)

Studio One Pro. v2.6.5 build 30360

I recorded a rehearsal on a Tascam PCM recorder. I open up S1 Pro, start a new project, name it rehearsal, drag and drop the .wav files into the mastering section. When I play back the tracks, the first track is always a significant amount lower in volume than the rest. I delete the first track from the mastering section and the same thing happens when the following track becomes first. Everytime I use the mastering section of this software there seems to be an issue. Why doesn't it just work. WTF. ugh. Help please! Thanks.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 17, 2019 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)
Hi there,

Hmmm... really weird, could you take a video of this issue ? maybe we could see what's wrong.

Using a lot the project session (as many others) and it works perfectly fine. :)

Kind regards,