I'm using two CS18s with a RM32. One CS18 is mixing house sound. The other is using an Aux Mix to mix a streaming broadcast. they are networked together with a Dante Card.
I'm trying to hook up self-powered monitors to the Monitor Outs on the back of the physical 2nd CS18 for the streaming control room with the goal of listening to the CUE mix of MIX 15 (our streaming mix). I get nothing out of the speakers. I've tried different cables, different speakers, etc. There is also nothing out of the headphone jack. This is true for speakers and headphones when MAIN, SOLO, or CUE is selected.
Ideas? Is this a Dante thing? Seems I read on a forum that something was disabled when you cascaded RM mixers, but I don't think I've ever read of using 2 CS18s nullifying ins or outs.