Questions & Answers

How do I use the SMAART room analysis with an RTA mic on a CS18 & RML32AI?

0 votes
asked Dec 22, 2016 in StudioLive CS18Ai by mattkees (160 points)
When plugging in an RTA mic to the CS18 Talkback input, and using SMAART on the RML32AI, the computer running UC Surface does not seem to 'see' the pink noise so that I can adjust the EQ in the little window... in fact, no EQ options show up...

Running UC Surface on an iMac, El Capitan.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Dec 22, 2016 by mattkees
Best answer

Smaart and all its functions can ONLY be handled by your RM, so your microphone needs to be plugged into RM. The CS controls the RM, but has no firewire connection to the computer serving Smaart. Many people are missing Smaart and especially RTA on CS very much, but it doesn't look like it will ever be added. The only solution is to place another RM16AI next to the CS and set up an AVB network. The RM mixers get cascaded, the CS handles them as one single mixer. This brings firewire and Smaart back to FOH...
