Questions & Answers

RM32AI on stage, on FOH CS18 + soft DANTE VIA ?

0 votes
asked Mar 30, 2016 in StudioLive CS18Ai by ornorm (320 points)
Before I get into the PRESONUS adventure, I ask myself a few questions:
I want a setup like this: RM32AI on stage (with a  DANTE card), on FOH,  CS18AI connected to a PC (playback tracks, click ...) via a switch and the DANTE VIA software.
I know that in this configuration I lose the audio inputs and outputs of CS18, too bad ... but I keep the benefits of the control surface.
- Is this configuration possible? atil someone already tested?
- VIA DANTE my tracks they are added to the 32 tracks of RM32 or they replace some?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2017 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer
The CS18 can only control the RM or Studio One software at this time.

Dante VIA or DVS can be used for the Audio Device with software.

The RM can only source the audio on each channel respectively, by selecting the Network Input source. So no, you can't add channels but those streams will replace those channels you setup for return.