Questions & Answers

48v lights not shutting off (not responding) from SL32 console

0 votes
asked Apr 14, 2019 in Networked Stage Box by istvanpeterbracz (660 points)
When using the NSB-8.8 stage box with my SL32 series iii mixer, at times the 48v lights are not responsive. I get audio recorded just fine- but the lights are not giving me true information. On the console, I will go to shut off the phantom power- and it stays lit up on the NSB8.8. I've set it up according to directions, and recorded with it already several times- its just this problem seems to keep coming up. I've updated the firmware when I got the NSB-8.8, as well as the latest for the SW5E AVB switch, and the 32 series iii (and UC surface). I thought that this would take care of the problem, but I see that it persists. Am I the only one with this issue?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Feb 6, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,680 points)
Best answer

The 48v light takes long to go off and on, allow time to pass. If this is not the case log a support ticket. 


0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2019 by istvanpeterbracz (660 points)
This is still an issue, 8 months later with no responses.
0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
As you see, nobody of PreSonus has been responding to your question from April 2019. I think you should open a support ticket to get some help.