Questions & Answers

Audio Bending an event that has been split should not impact other splits!

+1 vote
asked Apr 17, 2019 in Editing by fschmidt (6,230 points)

If you audio bend an event that has been split
all other splits move around.

This should not happen!

Infact there should be added bend markers at the end and at the beginning of each event by default!

At least there thould be an option...

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Re: “all other splits moving” I like the way they did it personally. I was similarly frustrated at first but the more I learned how it was set up it became much easier. Event splits just affect which portion of an existing file from the pool (bend info included) you are viewing. If you think of it in a linear sense without bouncing separate sections (“I split this thing, it should not be part of this thing anymore”), OK, you can get yourself confused. But it was clearly designed to work in conjunction with their other features. Such as Snap and Bouncing.

As for bend markers being added at every split, I think this would get messy and make group edits even messier. I use audio bend a lot though and like the current system so maybe I’m biased.
0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2019 by fschmidt (6,230 points)

"Splits just affect which portion of an existing file from the pool (bend info included) you are viewing."

I see! But if that is the case, then plus one for the Glue or Slice-Healing Tool, don't you think?
