Questions & Answers

Audio engine has been stopped due to an overload...

+1 vote
asked Jun 7, 2020 in Studio One 4 by bobbydebarbes (930 points)

I have a brand new computer windows 10 - 64bits, I7, 16Go, powerful.

My interface is the focusrite scarlett 4i4 (3 generation) : new

When studio one (4) is open on a session and i leave my room for sometime (1 hour), when i come back, i have an erreor message saying "Audio engine has been stopped due to an overload..."...i have to go in options and select again my interface and then everything works fine but it's boring and not normal: why is that ?

Thanks for your help

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 13, 2021 by rogerferrera (140 points)
Never any answer on this? I'm just trying to get started recording, and ran into this.