Questions & Answers

Is Presonus expecting their customers to pay twice for the same content when upgrading?

0 votes
asked Apr 26, 2019 in Studio One 4 by thomasschiel (240 points)
I do not hope so, but If this is true I'll start looking for another solution for what I want to do.
related to an answer for: Studio One Crossgrade and Addons

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
They don’t have an automated system for incorporating the add ons in upgrades like Waves (probably doesn’t come up often enough) and they don’t really advertise it (not sure why on that , seems like an oversight) but if you call up sales or contact them through the site I’ve been told you can get a discounted upgrade price that accounts for what you’ve spent so far.
0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2019 by thomasschiel (240 points)
Thank you Robert, that would be nice
0 votes
answered Aug 8, 2019 by smackman (260 points)

 I’m truly new to the daw world it’s been about two years since I was able to figure out how to use my midi so please don’t laugh if this is a ludicrous question!
  I can’t really remember the order but I’ve invested in upgrades with personus  from demo prime to artist also the artist pack booster then the upgrade to artist 4 .5.  
Now this is the kicker SPLICE
I would have never given splice a second glance until I saw online I could pay to own . As a result I have months of more money I’m investing into your product.
     I humbly request that the records used from splice Which personus uses to show prouct key  info from splice  be  used towards  the difference owed to  my studio one account.

Meaning if I pay 17 .00 to splice the fair thing to do is to use the same system splice is using  To combine to what is owed to personus not splice.
You guys are working together so maybe it’s no
Mistake  your over charging  all of your old customers because your focused on new sales and new customers.

 I’ve learned everything from you guys and trust in this company even when I’m unsure of what I’m  buying I trust in your brand and name helped me feel safe in the past now I don’t know! Should we be trying to leave you guys for the next big thing because cross grading is a optional.