Questions & Answers

Presonus Audiobox 44VSL : Sound level is twice lesser after Windows 10 migration than with Windows 7

–1 vote
asked Nov 6, 2015 in AudioBox USB by bossuetphilippe (140 points)

I have a Presonus Audiobox 44VSL and I just migrated to Windows 10 (previously I was on Windows 7). The device is working correctly with Cubase but the output level is twice lesser than with Windows 7. I have to push the level on my monitoring speaker near the max to recover the same sensation.

I use the latest driver provided by Presonus. The level in the Windows panel is set to the max.

Please help

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 19, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer

With the AudioBox being digital hardware the levels coming into or out of it won't change when or if you change operating systems, it's pretty static.  If you think you are suddenly getting less level out of your 44VSL it has to be software related, settings wise, a different setup in either your workstation or how you have the AudioBox configured internally.

We would suggest looking there, at how you are setup with your audio workstation and what may have changed from before in your monitor path in Cubase.