Questions & Answers

Presonus STUDIO 1810 usb: two monitors and two headphones

0 votes
asked May 10, 2019 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by uleng (200 points)
Hello, I have a Presonus STUDIO 1810 usb interface and I would like to use two pairs of monitors (one with the main outputs and the other with 3/4 line outputs) and two headphones (1 and 2).

However, I am not able to obtain any sound in 3/4 line outputs, neither in the second phones output.

I have tried trying several alternatives with cubase and with windows sounds... but none of them seems to work and there is no information on the net.

Could someone give me any clue please?

Is it possible to obtain the same output signal (like a cloned signal) in main and line outputs?

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by edramsey (2,190 points)
selected May 10, 2019 by uleng
Best answer

I have the Studio 1810 also and have found that I need to access universal control on a pretty regular basis to keep things going. If you open it and select your 1810 it will either show bypassed (on seemingly random days) or the regular mix window (un-greyed-out). If you press the "reset" button (upper right) you will regain control and can then select the mix 3/4 button and then the "mirror main" button and, as I do, the 5/6 button and "mirror main" also. I have two sets of headphones. My recording, closed back, set I use during tracking is on headphone 1 and it mirrors the main. My open-back reference headphones I have on headphone 2 and it mirrors 3/4 and I use it to reference the mix to eliminate any room acoustics issues and validate the mix. I also have, on occasion, monitors set on 5/6, or a headphone amp for a group, or when I need outs for podcasting, broadcasting, etc. When I first got the interface I complained to Presonus tech support on a regular basis, but am now more in touch with the interface and, while I wish I understood better how to lock in my settings, I at least can get what I want each day and do professional work with it.  One more tip, I have universal control start on login so that it is always available for me. That helped remove some friction. Good luck with your projects. -Ed
0 votes
answered May 10, 2019 by uleng (200 points)

It worked!! laugh thanks!! 
