Questions & Answers

Update FX Channels.

+13 votes
asked May 20, 2019 in Mixing by Pastorjjo (1,720 points)
Currently using Buss channels as FX channels. Would like for FX channels to be able to be routed into other Fx channels.

Also. Want stereo/mono switch on the channel.

Thank you.

5 Answers

–3 votes
answered Jun 2, 2019 by nathanealdean (270 points)
1. route the fx to a bus - route (or send) the bus to the other fx channels

2. binaural plugin
+2 votes
answered Jun 2, 2019 by Pastorjjo (1,720 points)
That’s some Pro-Tools type stuff there. Way too many workarounds to get a simple thing done, which is why S1 is becoming the superior DAW in the first place.

For now, I just use busses and cut out the FX middle man.

Thank you for responding.
+2 votes
answered Apr 11, 2020 by KeithW (420 points)
Perhaps they could create a preference: "Dragging plug-ins from the browser to mixer-sends area creates BUS instead of FX channel"?

It would make sense. Currently, I don't even see the reason why FX channels exist in S1 given how they are set up when you can just use a standard bus instead and have more functionality.
0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2020 by nikolaykulyabko (1,880 points)
edited Aug 20, 2020 by nikolaykulyabko
Found a solution - hold ALT while dragging and dropping an effect to a send slot and it will create a BUS instead of FX.
0 votes
answered May 13, 2021 by OneFingerSnap (2,440 points)
Buses and FX work differently if you are using a Faderport. If I use buses for FX I lose the ability to focus on effect tracks using the faderport - a FX bus is just a bus like any other. FX have a dedicated key on the Faderports, that’s my main reason for using them. So, obviously there’s a need to have sends from an FX track to another.