Questions & Answers

closed MTC Slave support for Studio One? Please :-) [Completed 5.0]

+9 votes
asked May 30, 2019 in Completed Feature Requests by angel2808 (820 points)
closed Jan 8, 2021 by arndkaiser
Love S1! Very nice update!
any chance you can implement a way to synchronise tape decks with S1?
Slaving to MTC.  Would be amazing.
Using Tascam MSR24/Studer A700 and MTS1000 here.
Best tape emulation ever :-)
Am I really the only one left recording to tape mixing analog and then ITB?
Would be sooo nice for the "hybrid" workflow. What you guys think?
closed with the note: Completed in 5.0

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2020 by angel2808 (820 points)
any update on this?
Looks like not many people are working with tape machines or hybrid using Studio One and you guys at Presonus apparently do not  see a benefit of getting this feature which  all other DAWs are having, included.
commented Jul 29, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
MTC Slave supported has been added in Studio One 5. Doesn't it work for you?
+2 votes
answered Jul 29, 2020 by angel2808 (820 points)
Amazing!! Thank you for this good news.
I am in vacation right now and when back I am reinstalling/wiring my new studio. Happy days then!
Don't know if anyone else reads this.
S1 being Master is the preferred option due to slewing of a tape machine. This requires some cables and a Zeta3 or similar and the machine needs to have a way to have the capstan speed controlled.
I use a Tascam MTS1000 for the MSR 24 works fine!!
But I have found it also viable to synch my MSR24 (and soon hopefully my Otari MX5050 /8 MK III ) with a Rosendahl WIF and a Motu DTP.
I love the workflow of S1 and then I am upgrading to S1 5 asap.
No more nagging from me ;-)))

Thanks for the fast reply too!!!