Questions & Answers

Why do I get "could not create audio file" when trying to "digital release"

0 votes
asked Jun 6, 2019 in Studio One 4 by ricktoland (120 points)
Hello, when trying to "digital release" I get "could not create audio file". I was mastering and creating M4A, MP3 and WAV files in the project page just fine then all of a sudden I started getting that message? Any ideas?

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 13, 2020 by jacquessteyn1 (1,550 points)
I also suddenly got this message this afternoon. I am finishing some projects, and everything went fine. Then suddenly the system got stuck. I even tried with testing files.
This has nothing to do with missing files, even if the message says that.
All the files are in the same directory, and the wave file in the Project window plays 100%
But when exporting is complains that some files are missing.
I was under the impression the wave file in Project is used to transport, so why is SO looking for other files?
+3 votes
answered Aug 14, 2020 by Robert (The Impure) (200 points)
i just had this issue as well. for some reason, unchecking "Add artist to file name" allowed the export to go thru.

why that worked i couldn't tell you, but maybe give it a shot?
asked Jan 13, 2023 in Studio One 4 by gregorypastic (130 points) Brilliant!
0 votes
answered Feb 1, 2023 by dominicromano (280 points)
I was having the same thing and unchecking the "add artist name to file" also worked for me -- however presonus should really fix this bug or at least make it clear if there are things that studio one will not let us include in the artist name for it to process.
0 votes
answered Jul 28, 2024 by arthurpapanastasiou (140 points)
I have experienced the randomness of this issue even with the latest v6. I have deduced that the software loses rights for full control or to edit the "Releases" folder. For a workaround, create a new folder anywhere that is higher up in your drive, not under the mastering project at all. Once that folder exists, browse to it and select it as the destination of your digital release files. Voila. The contents in that folder behave normally for me. I can run the digital release the way I like it configured with the check boxes and switches, AND it produces the output files just as expected. It is my best guess at what is causing it, and the workaround has worked reliably for me. New folder outside of your master project song folder, and run to that as the target destination of the digital release pathway in the popup. Good luck everyone!
