Questions & Answers

SO4 Takes of interface, leaving PC sounds disabled

–1 vote
asked Jun 8, 2019 in Studio One 4 by nicholastuminello (110 points)
edited Jun 8, 2019 by nicholastuminello
Windows 10

When loading SO4 it asked to use my Zoom R24 interface. After enabling, I can only play audio from SO4 and nothing else. If I try to set Sound output from PC Sound control panel to the interface, it says its unavailable.

This is a real drag if I'm trying to play piano and learn a song on youtube or watch tutorial step by step guides on how to use SO4.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 4, 2019 by yuweixu (700 points)

DAWs uses ASIO to make the latency from your keystroke to your speakers as low as possible. The only downside is that your audio interface won't be able to receive signal from other programs. ASIO is necessary, you can try other DAWs which allow you to use an MME or DirectSound output. You won't  be able to play anything with the latency.
