Yeh. Kind of what I thought.Impossible. So I set about to show my steps, when I discovered where it was going wrong. Despite default algorithm being set to melodic, it keeps analysing as poly decay. something I've not used. I rarely use melodyne for anything other than vocals, and use it on every vocal. so I max my screen for blog size, and never saw all the other blobs created above and below my main melody. It was those blobs making it sound like a had the original take as well. I guess that's exactly what you get!! So I have to manually re analyse each clip within my track. Not sure why. I'll get to that another day. For now. I'm back to work. Thanks for responding. No video, because no one like a red face
I'm rushing I know, to learn studio one. I've bought two courses to help. I have two nearly finished projects and I'm determined to get my studio back up and running after some major failures in the last 2 weeks. Studio One is awesome. I just need to get myself up to speed. Thanks again. that did really help. cheers.